Monday, February 2, 2009

Christianity Logical?

I recently finished reading Thinking In Pictures, a book by a Temple Grandin, a highly intellegent PhD who designs livestock equipment, for moving and holding livestock in slaughterhouses and on farms. She is also autistic. The book was a fascinating insight into how autistics think.

Grandin describes herself as a highly logical thinker, comparing herself to Data on Star Trek: Next Generation. No emotion, just logic. One of the last sections of the book was on religion and her beliefs. Something she said bothered me.

Grandin stated that she found it logical to believe that all religions are valid and all lead to the same place. She did not go on to say how much she studied other religions, though she made several references indicating she was familiar with Zen philosophy and she attends an Episcopalian church.

I am a computer programmer by vocation. And I believe if I wrote a computer program that took as inputs the parameters of each religion and then compared them to each other, they would not come out anywhere close to equal.

Judiasm and Christianity would align as far as the Old Testament, but non-Messianic Jews reject Christ as their saviour. Christ himself said He is THE way, THE truth, THE life and no one gets to heaven without going through Him.

Hindus have 300,000,000+ gods and goddesses. The way to Nirvana is by being a good person repeatedly. Christianity says only one life, no do-overs. And salavation is a gift from God. There is nothing we can do to earn it.

Muslims have a vengeful, angry god. The only way to guarantee heaven is by dying in a Jihad - killing those that don't believe what they believe. Christianity says all that call on the name of Christ will be saved. Again, there is nothing we can do. We can't be good enough to gain heaven and we can't be bad enough to be denied heaven if we surrender to the Lordship of Christ.

Buddhism, like Hinduism relies on the person to achieve the highest state. And like Hinduism, there are do-overs. But, in many flavors, there are no gods and in those where there are, they are capricious creatures intent on disrupting man's quest for enlightenment.

How can anyone logically say these are the same? That they all lead to the same path? They don't even describe the same destination, let alone the methods for reaching that destination.

Ecumenicalism is a cop out. The funny thing is, ask anyone that truly believes the fundamental teachings of each of the above religions and they will NOT say their religion is just like all the others. This type of belief is for people who don't know what to believe and are unwilling to do the research and make the committment.

Don't fall into this trap. All religions are not the same. Jesus in the true God and the only way to heaven. Submit to Him today and receive the peace of eternal security.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of blogging, Brian. It's been a joy to me.
    You're correct in your assertion that the very idea that all religions are equal is absurd on its face. For one thing, most are exclusive. For example, Jesus clearly stated that "no one comes to the Father except by me," while John states clearly that to deny the Son is to deny the Father as well. As RC Sproul would say, this is either true or it is not true. If it is true, Hinduism (for example) is necessarily false. If it is not true, then Christianity is not true, meaning it is not a way to God. To say that two fundamentally opposite things are equally true essentially means that there is no objective truth.
    As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. :)
