Friday, February 6, 2009

Religious discrimination once again

Please read / watch the following statement from Senator Jim DeMint, a Republican from South Carolina:

Then, you can go to to see how your senator voted on this amendment.

Here is the letter I wrote to Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri. I'd encourage you, if you oppose religious discrimination, to do the same.

Dear Senator McCaskill,

I am appalled that you would vote against Senator DeMint's amendment to remove religious discrimination from the economic stimulus bill. You live in a state that faith is extremly important and yet you spit in the face of those of faith.

You once again prove yourself an enemy of the state of Missouri.

You and so many other senators and representatives are using these difficult economic times to drive government spending through the roof and further endanger our country, putting us farther into debt as well as pushing a radical left agenda that most of this country does not agree with. Keep it up so that just like after Clinton's first two years, we can vote the democrats out of office.

If you truly want to stimulate the economy, then lower the taxes on businesses and provide other incentives for business to invest. That adds jobs.

The ACLU agenda in the stimulus is not only discriminatory and unconstitutional (by the way, have you ever read the constitution? Can you point me to the separation of church and state clause?) but is also anti-stimulus, as it might actually curtail further spending by a university to rennovate.

You don't represent this state. You represent those who would destroy our great state.

Brian Lawrence.

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